Download 2024 Outdoor Tournament Rules
Download 2024 Indoor Tournament Rules (Candy Cane Challenge)
Concussion Consent Form – Required for ALL Out-of-State Teams (submit at tournament check-in)
Interested in refereeing? Contact Northwest Soccer Officials for more information.
Outdoor Tournament Rules
Please note that some rules have changed for 2022. Please read through these rules thoroughly to be properly prepared for your tournament weekend. Specifically, U12 (2012) will follow the small sided rules that teams used last year when they were U11.
1. Matches shall be played in conformity with the rules of WYS, USYSA, US Club and FIFA, unless otherwise stated herein. The Tournament Committee shall be the final authority in all tournament matters. The Tournament Committee shall consist of at least three members of tournament management and referee coordinators.
2. Teams must provide the following documents in order to participate:
a. All teams should have an official club or team roster form, including player names, birthdates and jersey numbers. If using US Youth Soccer, the roster must be signed and approved by their association or league registrar. If using US Club, teams must provide an official US Club roster.
b. All teams traveling from outside of Washington must provide the documents listed in 2(a) AND the Washington Youth Soccer Concussion Compliance form, signed by all tournament participants and a parent/guardian.
c. All teams traveling from outside of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or Montana must provide the documents listed in 2(a), 2(b), AND proper permission to travel papers from their state, provincial or national authorities. This paperwork is due via email to by the tournament registration deadline (16 days before the start of the tournament).
d. Canadian Teams – Your official club roster may double as your approved permission to travel documentation noted in 2(c) if player names, birthdates and jersey numbers are on the signed document. All other documents noted above must still be presented. Please have player passports and proof of entry with you, though they are not required at tournament check-in.
3. Teams must check-in at tournament headquarters no less than one hour prior to their first match. At check-in, teams must provide their applicable paperwork detailed in the point above. If a team fails to check in prior to their first game and plays, they will forfeit that game. If a team fails to check in prior to its second game and plays, they will forfeit the remaining tournament games.
4. Player cards are not required for players printed on the official club roster (see Section 2): the official club roster provides proof of registration and date of birth. Player cards are only required for guest players that are not printed onto the official signed roster (see section 7).
5. Following the completion of check-in, no roster amendments of any kind will be accepted for the duration of the tournament and all jersey numbers on the roster must match the corresponding players on the field.
6. Maximum roster sizes for each team are as follows:
U-9 & U-10 (7v7) – 14
U-11 & U-12 (9v9) – 16
U-13 & U-14 (11v11) – 18
U-15 and older – 22 (18 active players per game)
This is the maximum number of players allowable on a team’s roster. Teams must have a minimum of the number of players on the field for that age group (ex: minimum of 11 players for an 11v11 team). Non-active players (U15 & Older teams) may sit on the bench provided that they are in the team’s opposite uniform or obvious non-playing/street clothes.
7. Guest players are permitted if they are either on the official club roster as detailed in Section 2 OR they provide an official player card that matches the player written on to the roster submitted at check-in. The maximum number of guest players is five per team. All guest players should be at the ability level for the tournament. Any teams with players exceeding age group restrictions will forfeit each game that player participates in.
8. No player may participate on more than one team playing in the tournament.
9. All teams will play a minimum of three matches.
10. For all matches, the home team will get the first half kickoff, the away team will get to choose the side.
11. When possible, divisions shall be separated into equally-sized groups with teams playing matches against every other team in their group. Groups shall be seeded and, when possible, drawn to avoid placement of teams from the same area in the same group.
12. All forfeits are recorded as 4 – 0, with maximum points being awarded to the team receiving the forfeit victory.
13. A point system shall be employed to determine the order of finish in group play, as follows:
Six (6) points for a win
Three (3) points for a draw
One (1) point per goal up to three goals
One (1) point for a shutout
The team with the most points in group play will be the winner of the group; the rest of the teams shall finish in the order of most points
*If there are an uneven number of teams in one bracket and a team must play four games, their score will be multiplied by .75.
14. In the event of a tie in points after group play, the following tiebreakers shall be used:
1. Head-to-head winner
2. Goal Differential (maximum of +/- 4 per game)
3. Goals Against (maximum of 4 per game)
4. Goals For (maximum of 4 per game)
5. Coin Toss or Penalty Kicks*
*Depending on timing and teams’ circumstances at the time of the tiebreaker. If penalty kicks are possible and agreed to, they will occur 30 minutes before the semifinal or final that the team would advance to.
If there is a three-way tie, the tiebreakers shall be followed, starting at #2, until one team advances or is eliminated. Then, the tiebreaker will be started again at #1 for the two remaining teams.
15. U-9 games will be in a Jamboree format. No scores or standings will be kept and the above point system does not apply for U-9 games.
16. For the small-sided ages U9-U12, we will be following the Washington Youth Soccer Rules of Competition. For U9-U12, the following rules apply:
a. No Heading – if a player deliberately heads the balls the opposing team will be given an indirect free-kick at the spot of the infraction.
b. No punting or drop-kicking by the goalkeeper.
c. Build out line will be in effect.
d. For goal kicks, the opposition can enter the build out area as soon as the ball is touched.
e. When the goalkeeper gains possession of the ball, the opposition must retreat to the build out line. At any time, the goalkeeper may pass, roll or throw the ball into play, but the goalkeeper does so accepting the positioning of the opponents at that time (i.e. the opposition may not be behind the build out line yet).
f. Offsides is enforced at the Midfield line.
17. The duration of matches shall be as follows for group play, consolation and semi-final matches:
U-9,10,11,12 50 minutes two 25 minute halves
U-13,14,15,16,17,18/19 60 minutes two 30 minute halvesChampionship matches:
U-9,10,11,12 50 minutes two 25 minute halves
U-13,14,15,16,17,18/19 60 minutes two 30 minute halves
If the two teams come out of the same bracket of group play the Tournament Committee can switch the team to be able to play another team in the semi-finals.
18. In group play and consolation matches, a draw shall stand as played. In the semi-finals and finals, matches that end in a draw shall be decided by penalty kicks. No Overtimes.
19. Every team must have two sets of uniforms: dark and light jerseys. When the color of the team shirts conflict, the team listed as “Home” must change to an alternate color.
20. Substitutions are unlimited and are allowed during any dead ball at the referee’s discretion.
21. If a player is sent off (red card or two yellow cards) during a match, that player will be suspended for the remainder of that match and the following match, at a minimum. If the offense is of a serious nature, the Judicial Committee reserves the right to impose a longer suspension. All cards and their accompanying referee misconduct reports will be reported to Washington Youth Soccer for possible further adjudication.
22. All games are FINAL. No protests are accepted and the decision on the field is final. We will not review or consider any video evidence to contest any on-field decision.
23. Coaches are held strictly accountable for the conduct of their teams, parents and supporters. Abusive behavior toward the referee, opponents or tournament staff will not be tolerated. Such misconduct and breaches of sportsmanship shall be turned over to the Tournament Judicial Committee and may result in immediate dismissal of the parties in question.
24. In the event of inclement weather, the Tournament Committee reserves the right to amend, shorten, and/or cancel scheduled games due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances. If inclement weather causes a lengthy delay, any games that have begun their second half will be considered final.
25. Neither the Tournament Committee, nor Starfire Sports are responsible for games cancelled because of inclement weather or adverse field conditions. Such cancellations are for the safety of the players and referees and Starfire Sports is not responsible for any expenses incurred by tournament participants.
26. Air Quality Policy – In the event that air quality is expected to be poor during any portion of the tournament, the air quality index will be monitored closely through both and Depending on the forecast for the weekend and the overall schedule for the tournament, Starfire Sports may shorten, amend, or cancel games if the Air Quality Index for Tukwila (zip code 98188) reads above 150, or in the red zone.
27. Tournament registration fees will not be refunded if a team withdraws from the tournament after the registration deadline. If a team withdraws prior to the deadline, a team will be issued a refund minus a $50 administrative penalty.
28. Players for each age group must have been born in the calendar year listed below (or after, if playing up).
U-9 | 2017
U-10 | 2016
U-11 | 2015
U-12 | 2014
U-13 | 2013
U-14 | 2012
U-15 | 2011
U-16 | 2010
U-17 | 2009
U-18/19 | 2008/2007
For the 2025-26 Season
29. The following are not permitted on the Starfire Sports campus:
A. Dogs or pets, except for designated service animals
B. Recreational Vehicles (RV’s) parking
C. Alcoholic beverages, except in licensed areas
D. Gum or sunflower seeds
E. Smoking or use of tobacco products
F. Outdoor grilling