Starfire Sports hosts a variety of events each year. Whether you are competing or watching a game, Starfire will always provide the ultimate sports experience!
Please note that paid parking is in effect most Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. View our parking policy.
Atletico de Madrid Summer Camp
Atlético de Madrid Soccer Camps for players and goalkeepers aims to let all participants develop their full technical, tactical and physical potential no matter their skill level. Day by day they will learn to enhance their strengths and will be stimulated to understand their own weaknesses. Our tactical soccer training program aims to improve your team skills […]
FC Barcelona Camp
The training sessions of the FC Barcelona Soccer Camp have been designed for players to improve the underlying techniques of soccer accurately, consistently and at match tempo. Players will be […]
Valencia CF Summer Camp
Make friends, compete and learn as you immerse yourself in this HIGH-PERFORMANCE training program designed to develop your soccer skills. You will train with highly qualified and educated coaches from the […]
West Coast Goalkeeping Camp
West Coast Goalkeeping 1 and 2-day Camps are for goalkeepers of all ages and skills levels! Meet professional goalkeepers and get trained by top-tier coaches. The West Coast Goalkeeping day […]
Real Madrid Foundation Soccer Camp
Soccer summer camp in Seattle designated and carried out by the Real Madrid Foundation is a unique and exciting opportunity to improve your soccer skills under the direction of Real Madrid UEFA […]
Starfire Summer STEAM Camp
Join us for an exciting, enriching week of summer camp experience combining STEAM education with recreational activities! Our camp is designed for kindergarten through 6th graders who want to learn new skills, explore […]
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