Charitable Application Type of Applicant (required) —Please choose an option—Club/TeamOrganization ORGANIZATION/TEAM/CLUB INFORMATION Name of Your Org/Team/Club (For non-profits: Name as it appears on your 501(c)3 letter) (required) IRS Tax ID Number *Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Website Your Email (required) PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION First Name           Last Name           Middle Initial Title *Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Website Your Email (required) REQUEST INFORMATION Request Date Request Amount Request Description COMMUNITIES SERVED Information in this section is for reporting purposes only and has no bearing on the acceptance or rejection of your proposal. If your organization does not keep this kind of information, pleas provide your best estimates for each category. Age Group (check all that apply): Children under 6Children 6 - 12Youth 13 - 18Young Adults 19 - 25Adults Ethnicity (check all that apply): African AmericanAsianBosnianCroatianEastern EuropeanEuropeanLatino/HispanicOther specified ethnic group Gender (check all that apply): FemalesMalesBoth Population Served (check all that apply): Blind/vision impairedDeaf/hearing impairedEconomically disadvantagedGay/Lesbian/TransgenderMentally/Emotionally ImpairedPhysically impairedRefugees/immigrantsGeneral PublicSingle parent BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR REQUEST: Proposals must include the following information. Please use the checklist below to ensure that your request is complete. Missing information will delay review of your application. ■ For all ORGANIZATIONS: □ A completed copy of the attached application form. □ A brief description of the funding request and the requested amount. ■ For all TEAM/CLUB applicants: □ Team Roster □ Attach a letter describing in detail your team/club(s) economic hardship. □ Completed copy of the attached application form. □ Brief description of the funding request and the requested amount. ■ Additional information required for non-profit organizations: □ A brief description of the organization’s history and mission statement. □ A list of the Board of Directors, including names, titles and affiliations. □ A copy of the organization’s IRS 501(c)(3) letter. □ A current annual operating budget with expenses and income (earned and contributed). □ A copy of the organization’s most recent audited financial statement. If no audit is available, explain why. I agree with the terms in Starfire's Charitable Application Please submit the above forms as attachments below. If unable to include attachments, send forms to: Charitable Giving Starfire Sports 14800 Starfire Way Tukwila, Wash. 98188 Attachments QUESTIONS? Contact the Charitable Partnership Manager, Kelley Talbot at: (206) 267-6401 or by e-mail to