Free Trial registration is now available through our DaySmart Recreation Platform! If you are new to Starfire, you will first need to create an account.
Once logged in, you can navigate to the Free Trial options by selecting the Free Trials portal on the left-hand navigation menu of the home dashboard. Please note that free trial class options are available within 2-14 days of the free trial class date. For example, if today is January 5, you will only see class options for January 8-19.
After selecting an available class that works best for you, you will receive a confirmation pop up message along with an email that provides more information about what to know in advance of your free trial. Any changes or cancellations can also be made through your DaySmart Recreation account.
Following your free trial class, you can Register at our front desk or through your DaySmart account, which will show an option to register.